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Anise fruits (Anise seeds, organic?), raw

Anise fruits (anise seeds) are used in the production of baked goods, stews or cabbage. The seeds can be bought in raw and organic quality.
Macronutrient carbohydrates 59.89%
Macronutrient proteins 21.07%
Macronutrient fats 19.04%

The three ratios show the percentage by weight of macronutrients (carbohydrates / proteins / fats) of the dry matter (excl. water).

Ω-6 (LA, 3.2g)
Omega-6 fatty acid such as linoleic acid (LA)
 : Ω-3 (ALA, <0.1g)
Omega-3 fatty acid such as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)
 = !:0

Omega-6 ratio to omega-3 fatty acids should not exceed a total of 5:1. Link to explanation.

Here, essential linolenic acid (LA) 3.15 g and almost no alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).

What is anise? Anise or aniseed ( Pimpinella anisum ) is a spice and medicinal plant. The intense flavour of the raw or cooked aniseed fruit ( anise seeds ) comes into its own in ( organic ) baked goods and savoury dishes.

Using anise in the kitchen:

Anise or aniseed fruits can be mixed into savory or sweet dishes as a tasty and digestive addition.

As a spice, aniseed fruits (Anise or Aenis) taste great in aniseed biscuits (eg Chräbeli) and are an aromatic component of (organic) baked goods such as bread, rolls or cakes. Popular aniseed recipes include cabbage ( raw sauerkraut or cooked sauerkraut , dishes with white cabbage or red cabbage and coleslaw ). Aniseed also goes well in stews with lentils and pearl barley or in a millet salad. If you preserve fruit, you can add a few aniseed seeds to the compote to give it an additional flavor. Vegetable and fruit soups as well as curries can be excellently refined with aniseed seeds.

What other ingredients can you eat anise seeds with? Aniseeds go well with carrots , fennel , celery , onions , pumpkin , potatoes , lentils , plums , nectarines , apricots , pineapples , apples and figs . The addition of aniseeds results in aromatic sauces, for example combined with lemons . Raw smoothies gain in flavor thanks to aniseeds, but this ingredient should be used sparingly so as not to overpower the other flavors.

In the food and beverage industry, anise and anise oil are used as flavor correctors in spirits, wines and other alcoholic beverages (e.g. Greek or Bulgarian anise schnapps: Ouzo, or Mastika; French anise liqueur: Pernod, Pastis, Anisette; component of Boonekamp, Benediktiner, Goldwasser, Absinthe). 4

Vegan recipe for spice cake with aniseed fruits:

Ingredients (for springform pan Ø 18 cm): 120 g wholemeal flour ; 60 g macadamia nuts , raw and ground; 1 tsp baking soda ; 40 g raisins , soaked in water for 15 minutes; 1 tbsp cocoa powder ; ⅛ tsp cinnamon , ground; ⅛ tsp ginger , raw and finely grated; ⅛ tsp aniseed (organic), raw and ground; 50 ml HOLL rapeseed oil ; 150 ml water; 25 g walnuts , raw and chopped; 2 pinches aniseed fruits (organic), raw and whole; 1 tsp rapeseed oil for greasing the springform pan.

Preparation: First, mix together the flour, ground macadamia nuts, baking soda, cocoa powder, ground aniseed and the remaining ground spices. Drain the soaked raisins and puree them to a homogeneous paste, e.g. in an electric coffee grinder or with a high-performance blender. Now mix the dry ingredients, the raisin paste, the water and the oil to make a cake mixture. Use a little more or less water as needed.

Line the bottom of the springform pan with baking paper and coat the edge with a little rapeseed oil. Now pour the spice cake dough into the pan and sprinkle the mixture with the chopped walnuts and whole anise seeds. Bake the anise spice cake at 160 °C top/bottom heat for about 35-45 minutes.

Recipe for anise tea:

Fresh anise should be crushed shortly before use, as the essential oils are located in the secretory chambers within the Pimpinella fruit and can only pass into the tea water if the anise seeds are crushed or crushed. 1

To make a tea with anise, pour a teaspoon of freshly crushed anise (dried) into a cup of boiling water and let the mixture steep for ten minutes. 2,3

To strengthen the stomach or to combat coughs and flatulence, drink two to five cups of anise seed tea per day. As a cough tea, you can sweeten it with honey . 2

Aniseed , fennel and caraway tea is suitable for spasmodic gastrointestinal disorders, 2 combined with camomile flowers and yarrow herb . In cold, bronchial and chest teas, aniseed fruits are often found in combination with lime blossom, mullein, marshmallow roots and thyme herb . 4

Vegan recipes with anise can be found under the note: " Recipes that have the most of this ingredient ".

Not only vegans or vegetarians should read this:
Vegans often eat unhealthily. Avoidable nutritional mistakes

Shopping - where to buy anise seeds?

We can answer questions like Are there anise seeds at Rewe or Edeka? and Can you buy anise powder at Migros? as follows: Anise spice can be found on the spice shelves at supermarket chains such as Rewe , Coop , Migros , Denner , Volg , Spar or Edeka , in discount stores such as Aldi , Lidl or Hofer as well as in organic supermarkets such as Denn's Biomarkt or Alnatura . Anise seeds or anise powder can also be bought in health food stores, organic shops, specialist tea and spice shops or online.

Dried aniseeds are in season on the market all year round. Aniseeds are available whole or ground in conventional, controlled organic quality (organic quality) and in raw, i.e. raw food quality (raw quality).

Under the name 'anise oil', the trade usually offers the cheaper oil made from star anise from Vietnam or China. Star anise oil is similar to (real) anise oil, but does not have the same odorous quality. Anise oil is a component of numerous herbal medicines (phytopharmaceuticals). 4

Where can you buy anise plants? You can buy anise plants as potted plants in garden centers, horticultural centers or online from specialist retailers. The parts of the anise plant (e.g. leaves) can be used in the kitchen as a fresh spice.

Found in the wild:

All Central European Pimpinella species are edible plants. The small burnet ( Pimpinella saxifraga ) in particular is widespread in Europe. Its stems and leaves as well as the flowers and fruits can be used in the kitchen. The small burnet grows in sunny, dry and mostly calcareous locations. The authors of the encyclopedia "Edible Wild Plants" warn against confusion with fool's parsley, the poisonous water hemlock and the spotted hemlock. You can find 5 important distinguishing features in the description of the cow parsley .

The anise plant (also known colloquially as small anise or sweet caraway) is rarely found in the wild. These are mostly wild forms that originate from cultivated plants. 2 Usable parts and components of the anise plant are seeds, leaves, anise flowers and the essential oil. 6 We recommend not collecting anise yourself due to the risk of confusion mentioned above.

Storage of aniseed fruits:

Raw aniseed seeds should be stored in tightly sealed containers made of glass or metal in an airtight, dry, cool and dark place. Plastic containers have a negative effect on the essential oil and thus the aroma and active ingredients of aniseed. 4

Ingredients - Nutritional values - Calories:

100 g of raw aniseed contains 337 kcal, 16 g fat, 50 g carbohydrates and 18 g protein. They are particularly rich in iron (37 mg/100g), manganese (2.3 mg/100g) and calcium (646 mg/100g). 7.8

Similar iron contents can be found in many spices, e.g. oregano (37 mg/100g) or tarragon (32 mg/100g). Thyme (124 mg/100g), moringa powder (98 mg/100g), basil (90 mg/100g) or raw mallow (78 mg/100g) contain significantly more iron. 7.8

Comparable amounts of manganese can be found in rye (2.6 mg/100g) as well as in soybeans , lupine flour , linseed , sesame (each 2.5 mg/100g) or in chickpeas (2 mg/100g). Higher levels are found in wheat germ (13 mg/100g) or moringa powder (9 mg/100g). 7,8

Calcium can be found in spices such as coriander seeds , cumin , allspice , star anise and cloves or in chia seeds in similar amounts. Moringa powder (2020 mg/100g) and dried spices such as basil , marjoram , thyme, oregano, rosemary , coriander leaves , fennel seeds, parsley and tarragon - or sesame - contain significantly higher amounts. 7,8

Since small amounts of spices are used, the coverage of the daily nutrient requirement by aniseed plays a minor role.

The ingredients of the raw anise fruit that determine its effectiveness are two to six percent essential oil; according to the European Pharmacopoeia, the oil must contain at least two percent. The main component of the oil, trans-anethole (90-96%), is responsible for the sweet taste of the anise fruit as an odor carrier. The oil contains one to four percent estragole. 4

The complete ingredients of anise, the coverage of the daily requirement and comparison values with other ingredients can be found in our nutrient tables in CLICK FOR below the ingredients picture.

Health aspects - Effects of anise (fruits):

Does anise have health effects? Anise seeds and anise oil have a weak antispasmodic (spasmolytic), carminative (flatulent) and antibacterial effect (anise oil is 3.5 times more bactericidal than phenol). As a medicinal plant, anise promotes the production of thin mucus (secretolytic) as well as the coughing and expectoration of mucus (expectorant). In an experimental study, anise essential oil showed antiviral effects against herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and acyclovir-resistant viruses. 1,4

Mechanism of action: Science assumes that essential anise oil promotes the ciliation of the epithelium (mucous membrane) of the respiratory tract. Experiments have shown that anise has a direct antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. In pharmacological studies, anise showed a slightly weaker antispasmodic effect than fennel and caraway. 1

Dangers - Intolerances - Side effects:

Consumption of anise rarely causes side effects such as allergic reactions of the skin, respiratory tract or digestive tract. 1,2,4 Undiluted anise essential oil can cause vomiting and nausea, shortness of breath in infants and attacks in asthmatics. 9

Results from animal experiments indicate that the components estragole and methyleugenol contained in aniseed can cause cancer and damage the genetic material. Evidence in humans is not yet available and the average intake levels are far below those that caused cancer in the experiments. The two substances are mainly found in significant quantities in the essential oil. The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment ( BfR ) has expressly pointed out that it is not necessary to avoid them completely. Occasional use in the kitchen is acceptable as long as it is not used permanently. Estragole and methyleugenol are found in other plants such as tarragon, basil, star anise, allspice, nutmeg , lemongrass and fennel. 9,10,11

If stored improperly, ie if the essential oil (or crushed seeds) is left exposed to air and light for a long time, anethole can self-condense to form what is known as 'photoanethole'. The condensate is said to be responsible for an estrogen-like effect. 1

Anise - use as a medicinal plant:

Recognized areas of application according to HMPC ( Committee for Herbal Medicinal Products ), ESCOP ( Association of National European Societies for Phytotherapy ) and Commission E ( Expert Committee for Herbal Medicinal Products ) are mild cramp-like complaints in the gastrointestinal area (flatulence, flatulence). Anise is used as an expectorant for coughs caused by colds and catarrh of the upper respiratory tract (internally and externally). 4

Crushed aniseed fruits can be used for infusions, for preparations to be taken orally or for inhalation. Warning: the latter is not suitable for infants or asthmatics. To prevent digestive problems, a strong seasoning of food, e.g. sauerkraut or stews, is sufficient. 1

Dosage: The average daily dose for internal use is three grams of aniseed drug (medicinal plant drug) or 0.3 g of essential oil or 10-12 drops. For external use, use preparations with 5-10% essential oil, e.g. dissolved in olive oil or peanut oil . 1

Folk medicine - natural medicine:

In traditional medicine, the anise fruit is traditionally used as a carminative, milk-stimulating, expectorant and mucolytic agent. Externally, the essential oil of the anise fruit is used in ointment bases or fatty oil for circulation-stimulating (actually skin-irritating) rubs and against vermin. 4 In folk medicine, anise is used as a cold remedy in combination with masterwort, horseradish, Icelandic moss, ribwort plantain and other medicinal plants. 3

Anise: Occurrence - Origin

Where does anise come from? Anise is probably native to the Orient (Syria to Egypt) or the eastern Mediterranean. 2,3,6

Growing in the garden or as a potted plant:

How does anise grow? The annual, herbaceous anise plant thrives best in a sunny spot in warm, water-permeable and slightly calcareous soil with a pH value of 6-7.5. The umbelliferous plant reaches a height of around 60 cm. Anise blooms from July to September in numerous white flowers on 7- to 15-rayed umbels. 2

How do you plant anise seeds? You can plant anise by sowing the seeds, the anise seeds (anise fruits), thinly in rows in the garden directly in the bed. The young plants then need a distance of about 20 cm and always moist, not dried out soil. Although anise grows in almost all weather conditions, the frost-sensitive seeds only ripen with enough warmth. In cooler regions, anise can be grown as a pot plant. To harvest, cut off the stem of the umbels, let the umbels dry and then knock out the dry fruits. 3

Cultivation - Harvesting anise:

Where does anise grow? The cultivation of anise has now spread worldwide to areas with a temperate climate, particularly in Central America, Central Europe and Southern Europe, around the Mediterranean and in Japan. 12 The main cultivation area is southern Russia.

Animal protection - species protection - animal welfare:

Anise is a good bee pasture. We were unable to find precise information on the nectar and pollen content.

Danger of confusion with anise:

Anise ( Pimpinella anisum ) should not be confused with star anise ( Illicium verum ). Both spices have the same essential oil (and its effect), but otherwise they are not related. Star anise is an evergreen tree that can grow up to 18 m tall and has yellowish-white flowers, which are often red or pink. The tree is found in Asia.

If you are looking for wild plants, please note the information above under "Finding wild plants". You should not collect anise yourself due to the many risks of confusion. All wild-collected white-flowered species from the Umbelliferae family must be identified precisely before consumption, as they are very similar and some are extremely poisonous. 6

General information about anise (fruits):

Anise, what is it? Anise ( Pimpinella anisum ) is a species of the burnet plant ( Pimpinella ) and belongs to the family of the carrot family (Apiaceae or Umbelliferae). The name anise refers to both the plant and the fruit (aniseed fruits). Anise was the medicinal plant of the year 2014.

The name of the anise plant, derived from Latin anisum, probably goes back to the Greek word ἄνηθον (dialectal ἄν(ν)ησον) for dill and/or anise, which the Greeks probably did not distinguish precisely linguistically.

Alternative names for aniseed fruits:

German alternative names for anise are anise (Aenis), small anise, sweet caraway or pimpinella fruit. Variants of the spelling are aniseed fruits, aniseed fruits, aniseed fruit, aniseed seeds, aniseed fruits, aniseed fruits as well as aniseed seeds and aniseed seeds. The medicinal name for fruits and seeds is Anisi fructus.

In English, the anise plant is called anise and the seeds are called aniseed (correctly: with only one s) or anise seeds.

Keywords for use:

The cosmetics, perfume, tobacco and pharmaceutical industries also use anise for the manufacture of products. 6 Anise is even used in horseback hunting (drag hunting) and in fishing.

Literature - Sources on Anise (seeds):

Authors: Géraldine Korner |
