Foundation Diet and Health
Diet and Health
The best perspective for your health

Luise Völlm

Luise Völlm, picture from the year 2017
BA Ökotrophologie, Handelsfachwirtin IHK, Kräuterkundlerin; Autorin


After studying ecotrophology (household and nutritional sciences) at the University of Applied Sciences in Fulda (Germany), I moved to my new home in Rheinwald/GR. Surrounded by wonderful nature and the healing power of wild herbs, I would like to take a closer look at vegan (raw food) nutrition. On the one hand I would like to explore the scientific background, on the other hand I would like to put theory into practice and test the effects of raw foods and wild herbs on general health.


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Black Currant Mousse with Coconut and Mallow Blossoms
Apple, Blackberry, and Meadow Sage Smoothie
Apple, Celery, and Goji Berry Smoothie with Fresh Herbs
Tropical Mango Banana Bread with Ginger
Energy Bars with Berries, Ginger, and Nuts
Pumpkin and Oat Bites with Cranberries and Dates
Wild Garlic Mustard with Ginger, Maple Syrup, and White Wine


Amaranth, puffed (amaranth, foxtail)
Apple, raw, with peel
Basil, dried (raw?, organic?)
Basil, fresh (organic?)
Bedstraw, meadow bedstraw (organic?)
Beech leaf shoots (red beech leaves)
Birch blossoms, raw, silver birch, flowers and leaves
Blackberry leaf shoots
Blueberries (blueberries), raw (organic?)
Borage (borage herb, raw, organic?)
Buckwheat, raw (organic?)
Chervil (garden chervil, organic), raw
Chia (chia seeds), raw, organic?
Chickweed, common (chickweed, organic?)
Chives, raw (organic?)
Common comfrey (Wallwort)
Cow parsley, raw (organic?)
Creeping cinquefoil, raw (cinquefoil, organic?)
Currant leaves (black + red currants)
Dandelion, common (leaves, organic?)
Dill, fresh (herb, seeds), raw (organic?)
Dulse (dried, raw?, organic?)
Edamame (raw, organic?)
Edamame, frozen, blanched (organic?)
Garden cress, raw (organic?)
Garlic mustard (raw, organic?)
Golden nettle, common, raw (golden deadnettle, organic?)
Ground elder (trefoil, goat's foot)
Ground ivy (Ground ivy, Ground ivy)
Horapa, raw (Thai basil, organic?)
Horseradish tree pod (Moringa oleifera, organic?), raw
Horseradish tree, raw leaves (Moringa, miracle tree, organic?)
Juniper berries (raw, organic?)
Lady's mantle, pointed-lobed
Lemon balm, raw
Limu Kohu (raw?, organic?)
Linseed (golden linseed, flax)
Linseed oil (linseed oil, flax oil), cold pressed (organic?)
Lovage, raw (Maggi herb, nutmeg, organic?)
Moringa leaves, cooked (horseradish tree, organic?)
Moringa powder, horseradish tree leaf powder (organic?, raw?)
Mustard powder, mustard flour (raw?, organic?)
Mustard seeds, black, raw (organic?)
Mustard seeds, brown, raw (organic?)
Mustard seeds, yellow-white (raw, organic?)
Narrow-leaved willowherb (fireweed, organic?)
Nettle, large, raw (hemp nettle, organic?)
Panko (Japanese breadcrumbs, organic?)
Plantain (bread banana, plantain), raw
Raspberries (wild raspberries), raw (organic?)
Ribwort plantain, raw (organic?)
Rosemary, dried (organic?)
Rosemary, fresh
Sauerkraut, raw, unpasteurized (sauerkraut)
Sesame, raw, unpeeled (sesame seeds, organic?)
Soba noodles (soba, organic?, raw?)
Sorrel, monk rhubarb (raw, organic?)
Spirulina (never raw!, organic?)
Stachys, tuber, vegetable (Japanese potato)
Tuberous Woundwort, Stachys affinis (Japanese potato)
Vegan Sour Cream
Viper's Bugloss (Echium)
Wasabi, root, raw (Japanese, green horseradish)
Watercress (organic?), raw
Wild garlic, dried (raw?, organic?)
Wild mallow (raw, organic?)
Willowherb (Epilobium), raw (organic?)
Yarrow, common (common, medicinal), raw