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Oat cream, oat cuisine, cream (organic?)

The vegan oat cream or oat cuisine or cream, which consists of oat flakes, water and oil, is a homemade cream substitute. Organic quality?
The nutritional information for this ingredient corresponds toour nutrition table and is taken into account there. More specific details were not available.
Macronutrient carbohydrates 43.26%
Macronutrient proteins 2.13%
Macronutrient fats 54.61%

The three ratios show the percentage by weight of macronutrients (carbohydrates / proteins / fats) of the dry matter (excl. water).

Ω-6 (LA, 0.6g)
Omega-6 fatty acid such as linoleic acid (LA)
 : Ω-3 (ALA, <0.1g)
Omega-3 fatty acid such as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)
 = 0:0

Omega-6 ratio to omega-3 fatty acids should not exceed a total of 5:1. Link to explanation.

Values are too small to be relevant.

Oat cream or vegan oat cuisine or oat cream is a purely plant-based alternative to conventional cream, a vegan milk cream substitute.

Using oat cuisine in the kitchen:

What is oat cuisine? What is oat cream? Oat cream, oat cuisine (oat cuisine) or oat cream are different names for vegan whipped cream or vegan cream as an alternative to conventional cream made from milk. Oat cuisine is used to refine hearty dishes such as casseroles, gratins, pan-fried dishes, purees or all kinds of soups. Examples of recipes with oat cuisine are creamed spinach, mushroom or tomato cream sauce. In savory dishes, the oat flavor is almost unrecognizable.

Sweet dishes such as pudding, panna cotta, oat rice or porridge can be made excellently with oat cream. Oat cuisine is also suitable for refining cakes. If the taste of oats bothers you in sweet dishes, you can use soy cream instead. What is soy cream? This oat cream alternative is made from soybeans .

Can you whip vegan oat cream until stiff? Whipping oat cream means making it viscous or thick. Today, a mixer is often used for this, see below. You can whip oat cuisine until stiff, but soy cuisine is much easier to whip.

In general, vegan cream substitutes, such as oat cream, are more stable against heat, acid and alcohol and can be stored longer than cream made from milk. Oat Cuisine Recipes:

Vegan recipe for hollandaise sauce with oat cream:

Ingredients: 250 g margarine , 200 ml oat cream, 200 ml warm water , 3 tbsp cornstarch , 1 pinch of salt , 2 pinches of grated nutmeg , 3 pinches ofpepper , 3 dashes of lemon juice , 1 tsp turmeric .

Preparation: Slowly melt the margarine (do not boil!). Then slowly stir in the starch mixed with warm water with a whisk and allow to thicken. Now stir the oat cream, salt, pepper, nutmeg, turmeric and lemon juice into this mixture and season to taste. The hollandaise sauce goes perfectly with asparagus and boiled potatoes . This amount is enough for about 5 portions.

Vegan oat cuisine recipes can be found under the note: " Recipes that have the most of this ingredient ".

Not only vegans or vegetarians should read this:
Vegans often eat unhealthily. Avoidable nutritional mistakes

Shopping - where to buy oat cream?

Oat cream is available as a long-lasting product in selected supermarkets such as Coop , Migros , Spar , Rewe and Edeka . Denner , Volg , Aldi , Lidl , Hofer etc. do not stock oat cream (Hafer Cuisine) or do not stock it permanently. Many organic shops, organic supermarkets, health food stores and of course online shops sell oat cream in organic quality - from a wide range of suppliers. The dm drogerie markt ( dm ) also stocks an organic oat cream cuisine or dm oat cream.

Oat cream contains water, whole oats,sunflower oil and possibly additives.

The thick consistency of an oat cream compared to a thin oat drink is not due to a higher proportion of oats, but to the addition of thickeners (stabilizers). This is shown by a comparison of different products and manufacturers: Most oat drinks consist of water, approx. 11% whole grain oats, sunflower oil and sea salt . Oat cream contains water, 9% -11% whole grain oats, oil and sea salt and additionally guar gum (E402), carrageenan (E407), locust bean gum (E401) or xanthan gum (E415) as thickeners.

Xanthan (E415) is considered a dietary fiber because we cannot absorb xanthan. Xanthan is produced industrially using bacteria of the genus Xanthomonas that are given sugary substrates.

Guar gum (E402) is made from the seeds of the guar bean. This guar gum consists of a long-chain polysaccharide (carbohydrate).

Locust bean gum (E401) is a plant-based, indigestible polysaccharide (galactose and mannose). Locust bean gum is made from the seeds of the carob fruit. All of these additives are also permitted for organic oat cream. 1

Carrageenan (E407) is also permitted as a stabilizer or thickener in organic vegan oat cuisine. The polysaccharide from red algae is a "cheap filler" in the food industry and is now very controversial. Even though 75 mg/kg body weight per day is considered safe, there are still animal experiments with degraded carrageenan that triggered intestinal inflammation and altered the immune system. 2

If you buy oat cream in the store, please always read the ingredients list and prefer organic oat cuisine without preservatives or thickeners.

Making your own oat cuisine:

"Making your own oat cuisine" is easy and requires no additives: you need 1 part oat flakes (e.g. 100 g), 5 parts water (500 g) and 1 tablespoon vegetable oil. Nut oil tastes good here, but rapeseed oil is also suitable. A pinch of salt is part of the basic recipe.

The choice of oil can change the taste of the oat cream. Linseed oil would be the best product, but once opened, linseed oil loses its taste relatively quickly - because of the high proportion of the particularly healthy and essential omega-3 fatty acid ( alpha-linolenic acid, ALA) .

Preparation: Let the oat flakes steep with salt and about half of the warm water for about 5 minutes. Stir the thickened mixture and gradually add the remaining water and then the oil. Mix the entire mixture well in a high-performance blender (or Thermomix) for two to three minutes.

Allow to swell for about 10 minutes and then press through a fine sieve. To make the oat cream as white as possible, filter it through a cotton or cheesecloth to separate the solid residue from the liquid. The cotton cloth is also called a straining cloth, straining cloth, dumpling cloth or pressing cloth.

In a sealed jar, the oat cream will last for about 6 days in the fridge. The residue (pomace) can be eaten or used for face masks, for example.

Whip the oat cuisine: If you want, you can use a mixer to whip the vegan cream until stiff. This works best if it is well chilled beforehand.

Please note that purchased oat flakes are at least pasteurized so that as many organisms as possible die, which increases the shelf life. Whole oat grains are also usually dried (at around 60 - 90 °C). Raw foodists in particular should know this. In addition: If you enrich the Erb-Müesli with oat flakes, use whole oats that are capable of germinating and always crush the oat grains fresh with a grain crusher.


Since purchased oat cream is ultra-heat treated, it will last a long time when closed and unrefrigerated, usually several years. Once opened, it should be used within 3-4 days.

Oat cuisine can be frozen with virtually no loss of quality to extend its shelf life. Oat cream can also be processed through fermentation to make oat cream yogurt (similar to soy yogurt ) or oat cream kefir. The English-language Wikipedia provides information on temperatures for Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis . For the genus Lacotbacillus and its species Wikipedia also has a lot of information and links in German. Wikipedia also emphasizes that these lactic acid fermentation bacteria can ferment almost any type of food and feed.

Ingredients - nutritional value - calories of Oat Cuisine:

Oat cream has an energy content of 92 kcal/100g. Cream made from milk contains 100 kcal more energy, and the fat content is also significantly higher (approx. 20%). Oat cream has approx. 7% fat, 6% carbohydrates and hardly any protein.

Real oats, on the other hand, are considered very valuable, especially because of their high protein content (15%). Oats are the most nutrient-rich grain and contain twice as much fat as wheat; they also have a very high carbohydrate content (70%). Many of the positive properties of oats are lost during industrial processing.

Unfortunately, the essential amino acids contained in oats do not have an optimal ratio. However, in combination with pulses, the ratio approaches an optimum. 3 However, it has been known for years that only lysine and threonine are irreversibly transaminated, and are therefore truly essential.

The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids ( linoleic acid , LA, to alpha-linolenic acid , ALA) is also rather poor at 22:1. The overall target value is 5:1, which can be quickly compensated with linseed or linseed oil - see above under "Make your own oat cream".

The complete ingredients of oat cream, the coverage of the daily requirement and comparison values with other ingredients can be found in our nutrient tables. In the article Nutrients explained you will get a detailed insight into the topic.

Health aspects - effects:

Beta-glucans (β-glucans) are found in the cell walls of grains, bacteria and fungi. Those from oats or barley in particular lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels and, as prebiotics, improve intestinal health. The nervous system also benefits from oats. 4

Oats and oat cream are considered to be very well tolerated by many diabetics. 5

Dangers - Intolerances - Side effects:

Cream substitutes made from oats or spelt are not suitable for people with gluten intolerance. Products made from soy or nuts are preferable.

When it comes to industrial products, it is important to pay attention to the fats used: coconut oil , hydrogenated palm oil or hydrogenated soybean oil are also often used in the production of oat cuisine. In addition, there are types of sugar, emulsifiers and the thickeners mentioned above.

General information about Oat Cuisine:

How did the name Oat Cuisine come about? We found advertisements from Oatly and Natumi for Oat Cuisine Bio. Hellovegan calls it "the vegan cream alternative" and Naturkost describes oat cream as a cream substitute, i.e. lactose-free. Alnatura presents the product as Oat Cream Cuisine. Amazon sells Oatly Oat Cuisine. You can also buy Oat Cream Cuisine and you can browse through oat cream recipes at Chefkoch . The name "Cuisine" probably comes from the fact that these cream alternatives can be used in the kitchen for cooking and refining (French cuisine = kitchen). In the French language, we rarely found alternative names with the component "cuisine" (Soya cuisine at or, Cuisine Avoine at or avena cuisine at There, depending on the basic ingredient, the cream substitute is often called crème d'avoine, crème de soja, etc.

In 2017 , Ratgeber published an article about oats: cream, bath additives and muesli... Oats are even the medicinal plant of the year 2017. There are the keywords: "Diabetes: Oat cure lowers insulin dose; Oat cure only with medical advice; Lose weight with an oat cure; Oats lower cholesterol levels; Oats strengthen the immune system and help the skin."

Readers should know that practically any food can be conjured up as a power food. Every food has its own characteristics, both positive and negative. Compare the nutrient tables under our ingredients and recipes, which also indicate the average daily requirement.

Instead of milk fat, plant seeds contain vegetable oil or vegetable fat. Vegan cream substitutes can be used to achieve better whipping properties or greater stability at a lower price - and with a lower fat content (max. 15%). 6

Vegan cream is kosher per se, as it is neither meaty nor dairy. Vegan ingredients include oats, soy, rice, coconut, almonds, nuts, spelt, etc. Silken tofu can also be used.

Alternative names for oat cream:

There are also the terms cooking cream, whipped cream or spray cream to avoid the term cream, which is protected for products. Plant cream is called non-dairy cream in English.

Literature - Sources:

