Foundation Diet and Health
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The best perspective for your health


Showing 1-20 of 40 items.
Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is essential, belongs to the omega-3 fatty acids and plays a role in inflammatory processes. Flax seeds contain high amounts of ALA.
© CC-0 1.0, Jü, Wikipedia
Alpha-Linolenic acid (ALA) is an essential omega-3 fatty acid that plays a critical role in inflammation processes. Flaxseed contains large amounts of ALA.
Chemical structure of linoleic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid with 18 carbon atoms und two double bonds (18:2)
© CC-0 1.0, Jü, Wikipedia
Linoleic acid (LA) is an essential omega-6 fatty acid that is a component of human skin and nerve cells and involved in inflammation processes.
A space-filling molecular model of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).
© Public Domain, SubDural12, Wikipedia
Eicosapentaenoic acid, EPA, an omega-3 fatty acid, is the starting material for the formation of DHA etc. They are biosynthesized from α-linolenic acid (ALA).
DHA is an omega-3 fatty acid that the body synthesizes from α-linolenic acid via EPA.
© Public Domain, Ben Mills, Wikipedia
Docosahexaenoic acid, DHA, is an omega-3 fatty acid that the body can synthesize from EPA. DHA is important, among other things, in inflammatory processes.
Beta-sitosterol is considered a phytosterol with anti-cancer effects.
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Beta-sitosterol (β-sitosterol) is a phytosterol with anti-cancer effects. See the related studies and the studies on benign prostatic hyperplasia (BHP).
Structure of L-phenylalanine. The D-phenylalanine is mirror-inverted, can be produced synthetically.
© Public Domain, NEUROtiker, Wikipedia
Phenylalanine is one of the eight essential amino acids that contribute to the synthesis of important endogenous substances.
Structure of L-leucine in the diet. D-leucine and the racemate DL-leucine are only synthetic.
© Public Domain, NEUROtiker, Wikipedia
Leucin gehört zu den acht essentiellen Aminosäuren und ist vor allem am Aufbau von Muskelmasse beteiligt. Viel Leucin enthalten z.B. Hülsenfrüchte und Nüsse.
Structure of L-methionine.
© Public Domain, NEUROtiker, Wikipedia
Methionine is one of the eight essential amino acids and is the precursor of the sulfur-containing amino acid cysteine.
Structure of L-Lysine. The D-shape is mirror-inverted and does not occur in proteins.
© Public Domain, NEUROtiker, Wikipedia
Lysine is an essential amino acid. Lysine is an important component of collagen and essential for the maintenance of muscle and connective tissue.
Structure of L-isoleucine. D-isoleucine is mirror-inverted and mostly manufactured industrially.
© Public Domain, NEUROtiker, Wikipedia
Isoleucine is one of the eight essential amino acids, belongs to the group of branched-chain amino acids and is important for building muscles.
Structure of L-valine. The D-valine is mirror-inverted and mostly produced synthetically.
© Public Domain, NEUROtiker, wikipedia
Valine is one of the eight essential amino acids and is an important component and source of energy for the muscles.
Structure of L-threonine. There are four stereoisomers of threonine.
© Public Domain, NEUROtiker, Wikipedia
Threonine is one of the eight essential amino acids, plays a role in the "growing" and in building and maintaining collagen and mucous membranes.
Structure of L-tryptophan. The D-tryptophan is of little importance.
© Public Domain, NEUROtiker, wikipedia
Tryptophan is one of the eight essential amino acids and plays an important role as a precursor for the messenger substance serotonin and the B vitamin niacin.
Structure of 11-cis retinal. It comes from beta-carotene and is essential for eyesight.
© Public Domain, NEUROtiker, Wikipedia
Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin and includes several substances, such as retinol and beta-carotene. It plays an important role in the process of seeing.
Carotenoids are fat-soluble pigments in fruits with a yellowish to reddish color.
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Carotenoids are natural, fat-soluble pigments in plants (including herbs, fruits, vegetables, cereals) with important health effects.
Structure of cholecalciferol, what is called vitamin D3.
© Public Domain, NEUROtiker, Wikipedia
Vitamin D, a fat-soluble vitamin, is largely produced by the body itself with the help of sunlight. It fulfills many tasks, including building bones.
Structure of alpha tocopherol (vitamin E).
© Public Domain, Jü, Wikipedia
Vitamin E is one of the fat-soluble vitamins. Its main function is to act as an antioxidant on the lipid layers of the body's cells.
Vitamin K complex
© Public Domain, NEUROtiker, Wikipedia
Vitamin K, a fat-soluble vitamin, is found in green vegetables and lettuce, among other things. It plays an important role in blood clotting and bone metabolism
42/5000 Structure of vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid).
© Public Domain, Yikrazuul, Wikipedia
Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin and an important antioxidant. It is found in fruits and vegetables and carries out important functions in the body.
Structure of thiamine (vitamin B1)
© Public Domain, NEUROtiker, Wikipedia
Thiamine, a water-soluble B vitamin, occurs mainly in the outer layer of grain. It fulfills many tasks in the energy metabolism and nervous system.