Foundation Diet and Health
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Showing 21-40 of 40 items.
Struktur von Riboflavin (Vitamin B2).
© Public Domain, Yikrazuul, Wikipedia
Riboflavin, a water-soluble B vitamin, is heat-resistant and sensitive to light. It is involved in important metabolic processes in many enzymes.
Structure of niacin (nicotinic acid).
© Public Domain, User:Mysid, Wikipedia
Niacin ist ein wasserlösliches Vitamin, das der Körper auch selbst aus der Aminosäure Tryptophan bilden kann. Es ist wichtig im Energiestoffwechsel.
Molecular ball-and-stick model of pantothenic acid.
© Public Domain, Jynto, Wikipedia
Pantothenic acid, a water-soluble B vitamin, is found in practically every food. It is significantly involved in innumerable metabolic reactions.
Structure of pyridoxine (vitamin B6).
© Public Domain, NEUROtiker, Wikipedia
Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin that is involved in around 100 enzymatic reactions. It plays an important role in the protein metabolism.
Structure of biotin. Biotin has 8 stereoisomers, but not all are biologically active.
© Public Domain, User:Mysid, Wikipedia
Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin from the B complex and is widespread in nature. Biotin produced in the large intestine is partly available to the body.
Structure of folic acid: There are two possible tautomers: lactam and lactim form.
© Public Domain, NEUROtiker, Wikipedia
The water-soluble vitamin folic acid is important for cell renewal. Of course, folic acid only occurs as a precursor to folate, especially in legumes.
Structure of vitamin B12 (cobalamin) with cobalt as the central atom.
© CC-by 3.0, Dissolution, Wikipedia
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is a water-soluble B vitamin that is produced exclusively by microorganisms. B12 is practically non-existent in plant foods
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Calcium (Ca) is an essential quantity element and gives bones and teeth stability and strength. Green vegetables and nuts are rich in calcium.
Potassium under tetrahydrofuran and protective gas.
© Public Domain, Schmid & Rauch, Wikipedia
Potassium (K), an essential quantity element, occurs in most foods and is important for regulating the membrane potential of the body's cells.
12 natural products containing much magnesium (Mg) distributed on table.
© Bought from airborne77, fotolia
Magnesium (Mg) is an essential quantity element and participates in over 300 enzymatic metabolic reactions. Seeds and nuts are rich in magnesium.
Red (left) and purple (right) phosphorus.
© Public Domain, Materialscientist (Phosphor_rot.jpg: Tomihahndorf Phosphor-rot-violett.jpg: Maksim), wikipedia
Phosphorus (P), an essential quantity element and an important component of bones, teeth and the cell membranes. It plays a role in energy production.
Sodium as metal, image from the "Dennis s.k collection".
© CC-by 3.0, Dnn87, Wikipedia
Sodium (Na), an essential quantity element, is usually found in our food as table salt (NaCl). Sodium affects blood pressure and water balance.
Position of selenium in the periodic table.
© Public Domain, Alchemist-hp, Wikipedia
Selenium does not occur enough in the soil in some geographical areas. However, it plays an important role in the body and is essential.
Deep green fluorite crystal from Namibia.
© CC-by 3.0, CarlesMillan, Wikipedia
It is not clear whether fluorine is an essential trace element. But in the body it is partly responsible for the stability of teeth and bones.
Pure (99.97% +) iron chips, electrolytically refined. Size comparison of a high purity cube.
© CC-by 3.0, Alchemist-hp, Wikipedia
Iron is a trace element that is involved in the transport of oxygen in the blood, in the storage of oxygen in the cells and in the energy metabolism.
Manganese chips, refined electrolytically, oxidized in the air, as well as a pure manganese cube.
© CC-by 3.0, Alchemist-hp, Wikipedia
Manganese is a trace element that occurs mainly in plant-based, unrefined foods. Among other things, it plays a role in the structure of cartilage tissue.
The periodic table of the elements in general - the copper outlined in red.
© Public Domain, Alchemist-hp, Wikipedia
Copper is an essential trace element that is involved in the endogenous antioxidant system and in the formation of connective tissue, pigments and hemoglobin.
Zinc, 99.955% pure, left: a crystalline piece, right: sublimated - dendritic (branched).
© CC-by 3.0, Alchemist-hp, Wikipedia
Zinc is a trace element that is involved in over 300 enzymes and plays a role in wound healing, vision, "insulinstorage" and the immune system.
Iodine crystals, iodine in crystalline form with grey background.
© CC-by-sa 3.0, LHcheM, Wikipedia
Iodine is an essential trace element and occurs in seawater and in the soil. Its function: part of thyroid hormones.
The colors of fresh vegetables and fruits indicate certain phytochemicals.
© Bought from Lex0077, Shutterstock
Secondary plant substances (phytochemicals) promote health. Overview: antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticarcinogenic and/or antitumor.