Fundación Salud y Alimentación
Salud y Alimentación
La mejor perspectiva para su salud

Anna Sophie Koller

Anna Sophie Koller, Imagen de año 2022
Student of Food and Biotechnology, Junior Author


I discovered my passion for natural sciences while I was still at school. As I am also truly interested in food, (vegan) nutrition, and sustainability, I decided to enroll in the bachelor’s degree in food and biotechnology at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna, which I pursue with enthusiasm and motivation.

Since November 2023, I have been working as a junior author for the Foundation of Diet and Health Switzerland.



Sustainability lies close to my heart and has a big significance for me, which is why I wrote on the topic “Sustainable bio-manufacturing of cancer immune checkpoint inhibitors” for my bachelor’s thesis; simply put, how to produce cancer drugs sustainably. During my studies, I was able to gain a more profound understanding of the field of food technology, which also sparked my interest in sustainable solutions in the food industry.

Through my studies, I was capable of strengthening my environmental awareness and expanding my expertise in relation to nutrition. I have been vegan for 3 years. Through my work as a junior author, I want to inspire other people to eat healthy and show them that a balanced diet is a long-term investment in our future – both for our environment and our health.

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¿Frutas de palma enana americana, crudas? (¿orgánico?)
¿Semillas de alfalfa, germinadas, crudas (alfalfa, trébol de caracol), orgánicas?
Albaricoques, secos, sin azufre (¿crudos?, ¿orgánicos?)
Bicarbonato de sodio (¿orgánico?)
Brotes de frijol mungo, crudos (plántulas de frijol mungo, ¿orgánicas?)
Caupí, semillas inmaduras, preparadas, cocidas, escurridas
Caupí, semillas verdes, crudas (frijoles serpiente, ¿orgánicos?)
Frijoles de Goa, crudos (¿orgánicos?)
Frijoles espárragos, crudos (frijol metro, frijol largo, ¿orgánico?)
Frijoles mungo, crudos (¿orgánicos?)
Lúcuma en polvo (¿cruda?, ¿orgánica?)
Maracuyá, morada, cruda (¿orgánica?)
Menta, fresca (¿cruda, orgánica?)
Moong Dal (Mung Daal, ¿orgánico?, ¿crudo?)
Pan rallado (pan rallado, pan rallado, ¿orgánico?)
Panko (pan rallado japonés, ¿orgánico?)
Pepinos, crudos (¿orgánicos?)
Pepinos, pelados, crudos (¿orgánicos?)
Semillas de hinojo, crudas (¿orgánicas?)
Tomatillo (berenjena de montaña), crudo