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здоровья и питания
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Anna Sophie Koller

Anna Sophie Koller, Год снимка 2022
Student of Food and Biotechnology, Junior Author


I discovered my passion for natural sciences while I was still at school. As I am also truly interested in food, (vegan) nutrition, and sustainability, I decided to enroll in the bachelor’s degree in food and biotechnology at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna, which I pursue with enthusiasm and motivation.

Since November 2023, I have been working as a junior author for the Foundation of Diet and Health Switzerland.



Sustainability lies close to my heart and has a big significance for me, which is why I wrote on the topic “Sustainable bio-manufacturing of cancer immune checkpoint inhibitors” for my bachelor’s thesis; simply put, how to produce cancer drugs sustainably. During my studies, I was able to gain a more profound understanding of the field of food technology, which also sparked my interest in sustainable solutions in the food industry.

Through my studies, I was capable of strengthening my environmental awareness and expanding my expertise in relation to nutrition. I have been vegan for 3 years. Through my work as a junior author, I want to inspire other people to eat healthy and show them that a balanced diet is a long-term investment in our future – both for our environment and our health.

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абрикос, сушёный, не обработанный серой
коровий горох (вигна китайская), неспелые семена, сырые
коровий горох, неспелые семена, вареные, обезвожженые
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маш, спелые бобы, сырые
Мунг-дал (мунг дал, сушёный маш)
мята перечная, свежая
огурец, очищенный, сырой
Огурец, с кожурой, сырой
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панко (японская панировочная смесь)
порошок лукумы
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Семена люцерны, пророщенные (сырые, био?)
семя фенхеля
стручковая фасоль, сырая (спаржевая фасоль)
физалис овощной (томатильо), сырой