Foundation Diet and Health
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Showing 31-40 of 199 items.
“Papaya a la Mexicana” from the cookbook “Raw Soul Food,” p. 23 by Julia Lechner and Anton Teichmann
© Courtesy of Eugen Ulmer Verlag
  • 403 kcal
  • Water 88%
  • 68/08/25 
  • Ω-6 (LA) 2.5 g
  • Ω-3 (ALA) 0.31 g
This fruity papaya salad is not only refreshing and delicious but also very healthy thanks to the combination of essential fatty acids and vitamins it contains.
15min 24h
Tzatziki with Garlic Mustard from the cookbook “Meine liebsten Wildpflanzen rohköstlich” (My favorite wild plants — raw and delicious), p. 83
© Courtesy of Maximilian Ludwig, Eugen Ulmer Verlag
  • 258 kcal
  • Water 70%
  • 18/16/66 
  • Ω-6 (LA) 9.0 g
  • Ω-3 (ALA) 0.01 g
Tzatziki with Garlic Mustard is an original vegan version of the traditional recipe. The fermented sauerkraut juice gives this dish a certain flair.
Red Sorrel Soup from the cookbook “Meine liebsten Wildpflanzen rohköstlich”.
© Courtesy of Maximilian Ludwig, Eugen Ulmer Verlag
  • 325 kcal
  • Water 75%
  • 35/08/57 
  • Ω-6 (LA) 3.4 g
  • Ω-3 (ALA) 0.23 g
The sorrel gives this artisan soup a fresh, slightly tart flavor. And the colorful edible flowers make this dish an eye-catcher.
60min 14h
Golden Carrot Cake (Goldene-Rübli-Torte) from the cookbook “Meine liebsten Wildpflanzen rohköstlich” (My favorite wild plants — raw and delicious), p. 110
© Courtesy of Maximilian Ludwig, Eugen Ulmer Verlag
  • 481 kcal
  • Water 38%
  • 50/09/41 
  • Ω-6 (LA) 11 g
  • Ω-3 (ALA) 4.3 g
This carrot cake with a walnut crust and a coconut and citrus flavor is the ideal winter treat for both young and old.
“Chili” from the cookbook “Raw Soul Food,” p. 71 by Julia Lechner and Anton Teichmann
© Courtesy of Eugen Ulmer Verlag
  • 759 kcal
  • Water 78%
  • 77/13/10 
  • Ω-6 (LA) 4.7 g
  • Ω-3 (ALA) 0.62 g
This chili with mushrooms and a sauce seasoned with wild garlic is a raw recipe that is in no way inferior to the original recipe when it comes to taste.
20min 40min
Chioggia Beet Carpaccio With Fennel and “Goat’s Cheese” from “Everyday Raw Express,” page 51
© Courtesy of Adrian Mueller, Narayana Verlag GmbH / Unimedica Verlag
  • 583 kcal
  • Water 64%
  • 36/12/51 
  • Ω-6 (LA) 4.0 g
  • Ω-3 (ALA) 0.17 g
This Chioggia Beet Carpaccio is not only beautiful to look at, it is also a superb combination of citrus freshness and creamy “cheese.”
10min 30min
Thai Salad with Kohlrabi, Cilantro, and Mint from the cookbook “Everyday Raw Express,” page 73
© Courtesy of Adrian Mueller, Narayana Verlag GmbH / Unimedica Verlag
  • 337 kcal
  • Water 80%
  • 40/12/48 
  • Ω-6 (LA) 7.7 g
  • Ω-3 (ALA) 1.0 g
This Thai salad is an ideal hors d’oeuvre on warm, summer days. The spiciness of the chili and sour taste of the lemon juice mixes well with the sweet kohlrabi.
20min 12h
Mushroom Pâté. Apricots. Mustard Herb Crackers. (Pilz-Paté. Aprikosen. Senf-Kräuter-Cracker) from the cookbook “Plant Food,” page 111
© Courtesy of Stacey Cramp, Narayana Verlag GmbH / Unimedica Verlag
  • 197 kcal
  • Water 54%
  • 38/20/42 
  • Ω-6 (LA) 5.6 g
  • Ω-3 (ALA) 3.9 g
This mushroom pâte with spicy apricots and mustard herb crackers is an elegant and artistic dish that will impress your guests every time.
30min 24h
Tree Nut Cheeses. Market Fruit. Sweet and Spicy Mustard Seeds. Fennel Crisps. “Plant Food,” p. 124
© Courtesy of Stacey Cramp, Narayana Verlag GmbH / Unimedica Verlag
  • 470 kcal
  • Water 50%
  • 40/18/42 
  • Ω-6 (LA) 5.5 g
  • Ω-3 (ALA) 5.5 g
The sweet and spicy mustard alongside the fennel crisps and fruit is a perfect addition to any cheese plate. This recipe does not include the nut cheese!
Beet. Grapefruit. Turmeric. Romaine. (Rote Bete. Grapefruit. Kurkuma. Römersalat.) from the cookbook “Plant Food,” page 149
© Courtesy of Stacey Cramp, Narayana Verlag GmbH / Unimedica Verlag
  • 122 kcal
  • Water 90%
  • 87/11/02 
  • Ω-6 (LA) 0.13 g
  • Ω-3 (ALA) 0.11 g
This drink is made from red beets, grapefruit, turmeric, and Romaine salad and is a nice combination of ingredients. It is excellent after a strenuous workout.