Foundation Diet and Health
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The best perspective for your health

Showing 11-20 of 199 items.
Chocolate cream with raw cocoa beans, avocado, dates, carob powder - finished in bowl.
© CC-by-sa 2.0, Michael Weber, Stiftung G+E
  • 205 kcal
  • Water 70%
  • 69/06/25 
  • Ω-6 (LA) 0.94 g
  • Ω-3 (ALA) 0.07 g
This raw chocolate cream is an extremely easy and quick dessert to make (prep: 9 minutes). It contains avocado, dates, cocoa beans, carob powder, and water.
8min 4h
Almond Milk (Mandelmilch) from the cookbook “Rohvegan” (Raw vegan), p. 148
© Courtesy of Compassion Media
  • 414 kcal
  • Water 85%
  • 23/23/54 
  • Ω-6 (LA) 8.8 g
  • Ω-3 (ALA) 0.00 g
Classic, unsweetened version of raw almond milk — with tips on using the leftover pulp and suggestions for other types of nut milk. Cashews are not usually raw.
20min 8h
No-Bake Strawberry Cake (Erdbeertorte aus dem Kühlschrank) from the cookbook Das vegane Kochbuch meiner Oma (My grandma’s vegan cookbook), p. 91
© Courtesy of Udo Einenkel, Berlin für "Das vegane Kochbuch meiner Oma", Südwest-Verlag München
  • 225 kcal
  • Water 52%
  • 65/08/26 
  • Ω-6 (LA) 2.9 g
  • Ω-3 (ALA) 0.24 g
This strawberry cake isn’t baked and can be prepared quickly from fresh strawberries and zwieback.
White Beans with Apples, Pears, and Fried Potatoes (Weiße Bohnen mit Apfel Birne und Bratkartoffel) from the cookbook “Das vegane Kochbuch meiner Oma” p. 57
© Courtesy of Udo Einenkel, Berlin für "Das vegane Kochbuch meiner Oma", Südwest-Verlag München
  • 1'218 kcal
  • Water 68%
  • 70/17/13 
  • Ω-6 (LA) 8.8 g
  • Ω-3 (ALA) 0.94 g
For this dish, the beans are first soaked in water overnight. In the cookbook, you will find a dandelion salad that complements the recipe well.
Stuffed Eggplant with Nut and Pomegranate Filling (Gefüllte Auberginen mit Nuss-Granatapfelfüllung) from Vegan Oriental (East Asian vegan cuisine), p. 37
© Courtesy of Neun Zehn Verlag
  • 957 kcal
  • Water 70%
  • 30/15/55 
  • Ω-6 (LA) 48 g
  • Ω-3 (ALA) 11 g
Stuffed Eggplant with Nut and Pomegranate Filling is a delicious and hearty Iranian dish.
30min 12h
Teriyaki Shish Kebabs (Teriyaki-Spiesse) from the cookbook “Rohkost” (Raw food)
© Courtesy of Neun Zehn Verlag
  • 705 kcal
  • Water 40%
  • 30/23/48 
  • Ω-6 (LA) 24 g
  • Ω-3 (ALA) 0.11 g
These vegan teriyaki shish kebabs can be beautifully combined with a wide variety of vegetables. Good alternative to traditional shish kebabs.
20min 30min
Japanese Miso Soup (Japanische Misosuppe) from the cookbook “Rohkost” (Raw food)
© Courtesy of Neun Zehn Verlag
  • 71 kcal
  • Water 95%
  • 68/26/07 
  • Ω-6 (LA) 0.42 g
  • Ω-3 (ALA) 0.09 g
Miso soup is a traditional Japanese dish. Its unique flavor comes from the fermented soybean paste (miso) and here with with zucchini and carrots.
Cauliflower with Oranges and Cashews in Tahini Sauce (Orangen-Blumenkohl in Tahinsauce) from the cookbook “Kick it vegan!”
© Courtesy of Neun Zehn Verlag
  • 772 kcal
  • Water 73%
  • 38/16/46 
  • Ω-6 (LA) 20 g
  • Ω-3 (ALA) 0.31 g
The savory tahini sauce and fresh, juicy oranges complement each other perfectly in this recipe and ensure a full spectrum of vitamins and minerals.
15min 45min
Recipe image: Pomegranate and Apple Tabouleh from the cookbook “Vegan Oriental,” p. 131.
© Courtesy of Neun Zehn Verlag
  • 199 kcal
  • Water 75%
  • 64/07/29 
  • Ω-6 (LA) 1.9 g
  • Ω-3 (ALA) 0.09 g
Pomegranate and apple tabouleh (tabouli) is a hearty fruit salad that contains herbs and pine nuts and can be prepared raw.
Chicory Salad with Figs (Chicorée-Feigensalat) from the cookbook “Rohkost” (Raw food)
© Courtesy of Neun Zehn Verlag
  • 490 kcal
  • Water 85%
  • 47/10/44 
  • Ω-6 (LA) 14 g
  • Ω-3 (ALA) 2.8 g
The combination of the slightly bitter chicory and sweet figs plus blanched celery and avocados give this salad an exquisite flavor.