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Bananas, dehydrated, or banana powder (raw?, organic?)

Dehydrated bananas and banana powder contain even less liquid than dried bananas. Raw? Organic quality?
We have provided the missing values for the nutritional information from the USDA database for this ingredient.
Macronutrient carbohydrates 93.93%
Macronutrient proteins 4.14%
Macronutrient fats 1.93%

The three ratios show the percentage by weight of macronutrients (carbohydrates / proteins / fats) of the dry matter (excl. water).

Ω-6 (LA, 0.2g)
Omega-6 fatty acid such as linoleic acid (LA)
 : Ω-3 (ALA, 0.1g)
Omega-3 fatty acid such as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)
 = 2:1

Omega-6 ratio to omega-3 fatty acids should not exceed a total of 5:1. Link to explanation.

Here, essential linolenic acid (LA) 0.21 g to essential alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) 0.13 g = 1.67:1.
Ratio Total omega-6 = 0.21 g to omega-3 fatty acids Total = 0.13 g = 1.67:1.
On average, we need about 2 g of LA and ALA per day from which a healthy body also produces EPA and DHA, etc.

Dehydrated bananas (organic, raw?) (mostly made from the varieties Musa acuminata 'Cavendish' or Musa × paradisiaca L.) or banana powder (organic, raw?) can be used in many different ways. Due to the strong removal of water, the products are very energy-rich and have a long shelf life.

Use in the kitchen

Due to the manufacturing process, the nutritional and energy density of dehydrated bananas is highly concentrated. Compared to fresh bananas, the taste is generally more intense and sweeter. Dehydrated bananas provide quickly available carbohydrates - an ideal snack for between meals. In a high-performance blender, dehydrated bananas can be turned into banana fruit powder. The banana powder is ideal as a sugar substitute in cooking and baking recipes and is an excellent ingredient for delicious smoothies, chutneys, fruit salads, muesli and desserts. Nevertheless, it is advisable to give preference to fresh bananas in the form of raw food. They are lower in calories and contain more vitamin C.

Homemade Ingredients

(1 baking tray): approx. 5 ripe bananas (organic, raw), 1⁄2 lemon

Preparation: First cut the bananas into thin slices (approx. 5 mm). Spread the thin slices evenly on the baking tray lined with baking paper. The individual slices should have enough space and not touch each other. To get the beautiful light yellow color of the bananas, spread the juice of half a lemon evenly on the banana slices. Now you can put the banana slices in the oven at 70 °C. After an hour, you should briefly open the oven door so that the steam can escape. It takes about seven hours to get nice, crispy banana slices. Don't forget to let the steam escape every now and then. After six hours, you shouldn't leave the bananas alone - they could be ready at any moment. Once the banana slices have reached the desired level of dryness, let them cool down. They can then be stored for months, packed airtight in jars, for example. As mentioned before, you can then make banana powder yourself from the banana chips. However, the banana powder has a shorter shelf life as it tends to attract moisture and loses its flavor more quickly.

For best results, the ripeness of the bananas is important - they should be neither too unripe nor too ripe. Unripe bananas contain a high amount of starch and the end product develops little sweetness. Whereas overripe bananas contain a lot of sugar and the dehydrated bananas may just taste sweet. 2 The USDA has created a 'banana ripeness chart' to help you determine whether the bananas are suitable for the desired end product. 8

If you want to dehydrate bananas more often, we recommend buying a dehydrator. Energy consumption is lower and many dehydrators have a 'raw food function'. This allows you to dry fruit or vegetables at low temperatures.

Vegan recipe for energy bars

Ingredients (12 bars): 170 g walnuts , 170 g dehydrated banana pieces (organic), 10 pitted Medjool dates , 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon , some water

Preparation: Grind the nuts in a food processor to make coarse flour. Then add the dates, cinnamon and banana pieces and mix until a dough forms. If the mixture is too dry, add a spoonful of water until a firm dough forms. Pour the mixture into a square mold and spread it out to a thickness of about 1-2 cm. Now place the mold in the freezer for 10 minutes. As soon as the mixture is firm enough, take it out of the freezer and cut into even rectangles (about 12 pieces).

Vegan recipes with dehydrated bananas can be found under the note: " Recipes that have the most of this ingredient ".

Not only vegans or vegetarians should read this:
Vegans often eat unhealthily. Avoidable nutritional mistakes

Shopping and storage

Dehydrated bananas are always in season . They are available all year round from major retailers such as Coop , Migros , Denner , Vlog , Spar , Aldi , Lidl , Edeka , Hofer and Billa . Or you can buy them in organic supermarkets such as Denn's or Alnatura. Banana powder in particular is often found in shops specializing in organic products.

The industry often treats dehydrated bananas with sulphur dioxide to maintain their yellowish colour and extend their shelf life. In some cases, granulated sugar is also added. These additives help to preserve the banana as well as possible. This means that it can be stored for a long time. However, dried bananas are naturally very sweet. To avoid consuming too much sugar, you should pay attention to the ingredients.

In most shops you will only find one type of banana ('Cavendish'). However, you can buy red banana powder ( Musa acuminata 'Red Dacca') online or in Asian shops.

When buying dehydrated bananas or banana powder, it is advisable to look for products with controlled organic quality, as these contain fewer pollutants.

The availability of dehydrated bananas varies depending on the size of the store, catchment area, etc. If you are interested, click on our recorded food prices for the DA-CH countries (above under the ingredient image). There you will find current prices from various supermarkets and their price development.

Storage Tips

Properly storing dehydrated bananas in an airtight container in a dry place will help you keep them for a long time. Under optimal conditions, they can even last for several years and retain their flavor. When storing dehydrated bananas, it is important to protect them from light, heat and moisture.

Ingredients - Nutritional values - Calories

Dehydrated bananas are very high in energy; 100 g have 346 kcal, 1.8 g fat, 88 g carbohydrates and 3.9 g protein. 1

During the drying process, bananas lose almost all of their water, which accounts for about 75% of their weight. This concentrates certain nutrients while others decrease. Dehydrated bananas and banana powder are rich in fiber (100 g contain 39.9% of the recommended daily allowance), phytochemicals and micronutrients. 1

When comparing the nutritional tables for 'dehydrated bananas' with ' fresh bananas ', the effects of dehydrating bananas become apparent. It should be remembered that the content of certain substances can vary (depending on the dehydration method, variety, degree of ripeness and soil conditions).

When dehydrating bananas, some of the water-soluble vitamins present in fresh bananas may decrease. The specific water-soluble vitamins that may decrease during the drying process are vitamin C (ascorbic acid) as well as some B vitamins such as vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) and folic acid . 14 Comparing the 'banana ingredients table' of the fresh banana with the dehydrated one, the folate and vitamin C content decrease. 1

Nutrients that are not affected by water removal concentrate. For example, dehydrated bananas contain a lot of potassium . 100 g of dehydrated bananas can cover 75% of the daily requirement (1491 mg/100g). In comparison: fresh bananas contain only 358 mg/100g of potassium. Another good source of potassium is dried porcini mushrooms (2000 mg/100g). 1

Copper is concentrated in dehydrated bananas (0.39 mg/100g). Fresh bananas contain only 0.08 mg/100g of copper. The copper content of dehydrated bananas is comparable to that of oat flakes (0.39 mg/100g). However, ingredients such as dried shiitake (5.2 mg/100g), cashew nuts (2.2 mg/100g) or sunflower seeds (1.8 mg/100g) contain much more. 1

The biotin content (17 µg/100g) also increases through drying. Fresh bananas only contain 5 µg/100g. You can get more biotin from foods such as dried porcini mushrooms (75 µg/100g) or walnuts (36 µg/100g). 1

Variety, degree of ripeness and drying method can lead to different ingredients. 2

Health effects

Bananas contain various nutritional components such as carbohydrates, lignins, pectin sugars, volatiles, polyphenols, carotenoids, vitamins and minerals. Bananas are extremely rich in nutrients. In addition to their nutritional value, they also have various medicinal properties. Potentially, bananas can be used as antidiarrheal, antimicrobial, wound healing, cancer prevention, stomach ulcer prevention, kidney stone treatment, blood sugar reduction and antioxidant. 6 Most of the substances are retained despite dehydration. The properties of dehydrated bananas (see nutrient table) contribute to a healthy diet. They support various body functions. A detailed description of the health effects can be found in the ingredient ' banana '. Here is just a brief overview:

Digestive health: The fiber content in dehydrated bananas contributes to healthy digestion.16 Bananas act as a prebiotic and can promote good bacteria in the gut.18 The combination of probiotics with prebiotics is called symbiotics. Regarding bananas and bowel movements, it should be noted that the effect depends on the degree of ripeness. During the ripening process, starch is converted to glucose and fructose.3 In short, unripe bananas contain mainly resistant starch and fiber; ripe bananas, fructose and glucose.15 There is evidence that cooked green bananas ( Musa paradisiaca) help speed up the recovery from diarrhea.23 In general, the fructooligosaccharides contained in bananas can help with constipation.24,25 The fiber contained in bananas can have a positive effect on intestinal health; by increasing stool volume, shortening transit time in the large intestine and causing changes in the composition of the intestinal microbial population. 4 However, the effect can vary from individual to individual. 24 Pay attention to how your body reacts.

Energy boost: Dehydrated bananas provide carbohydrates, which the body uses as its main source of energy. They can provide a quick and sustained energy boost, making them a good snack for athletes or people who need an energy boost. 15

Electrolyte balance: Bananas are rich in potassium, an important electrolyte that helps maintain fluid balance, nerve function and muscle contraction. Dehydrated. 17

Antioxidant properties: Dehydrated bananas contain antioxidants such as dopamine and catechins. These compounds help fight oxidative stress, reduce inflammation, and protect cells from free radical damage. 15

Psyche: Bananas contain tryptophan. The body uses this substance to produce the "happiness hormone" serotonin. 19

It is important to note that dehydrated bananas have a higher sugar content and more calories compared to fresh bananas due to the loss of water. Eating in moderation is important to avoid excessive sugar consumption.

Dangers - Intolerances - Side effects

Sulfurized dried fruit can cause negative reactions in allergy sufferers and sensitive people. The body can excrete low doses of sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) without affecting health. However, excessive intake or intake by sensitive people can cause a number of toxic effects, such as damage to the respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems. The safety of SO 2 for food preservation does not seem to be fully understood. 20

Can people with fructose intolerance eat bananas? In general, bananas are considered suitable for people with fructose intolerance or malabsorption. Although bananas contain fructose, they can be tolerated by people with fructose intolerance. This is because bananas also contain glucose. 15 Glucose facilitates the absorption of fructose in the small intestine and can reduce the occurrence of symptoms associated with fructose intolerance. 21 However, the content of fructose and glucose depends on the degree of ripeness. 15

It is important to note that tolerance to fructose may vary from person to person. Some people with fructose intolerance may experience symptoms despite moderate consumption of bananas. Additionally, there are conflicting study results: One study examining the relationship between fructose intolerance and glucose intake found no significant improvement in symptoms. 22 People with fructose intolerance should monitor their own tolerance and consider consulting a doctor or nutritionist for individualized advice.

Ecological footprint - animal welfare

The production of dehydrated bananas can have both positive and negative impacts on the environment.

One positive effect is the reduction in food waste. Dehydrated bananas have a longer shelf life compared to fresh bananas. The removal of water prevents pathogens or other microorganisms from surviving in the banana. This allows for longer storage without spoiling. This can reduce food waste.

In the region of agricultural production, local companies produce dehydrated bananas and offer them as value-added products on the global markets. Regional processing, reduced packaging and lower weight reduce costs, especially for shipping. 2

A negative aspect is the high energy and resource consumption in production. Dehydration usually requires energy for the drying process, be it through drum drying, infrared drying or other methods.

Agricultural practices are a key factor in creating a large ecological footprint. Banana plantations can require intensive agricultural practices such as the use of pesticides, fertilizers and irrigation. 11 Unsustainable farming often has devastating, long-lasting negative environmental impacts. 10

The conversion of habitats and deforestation for banana production are critical. The loss of habitats has a major impact on local wildlife, population and biodiversity. 12

Banana cultivation often requires considerable water consumption – the 'water footprint' of bananas is large. 13

To minimize negative impacts, sustainable farming practices such as organic farming, responsible water management and efficient energy use can be implemented. Measures to promote nature conservation, maintain soil health and reduce the use of chemicals help to minimize environmental impacts.

It is important to note that farming practices (organic vs. conventional), geographic location and the extent of sustainability measures implemented along the production chain can vary the environmental impact of dehydrated bananas. Be aware of this when purchasing!

Industrial production

Drying of food has been a primary method of preservation since ancient times. Water content is directly linked to the viability of pathogenic and microbial organisms. The earliest methods of drying involved exposing the food to direct sunlight. This technique is particularly suitable for dry climates. In fact, this method is responsible for much of today's dried banana production. 2

An important aspect of industrial production is pre-treatment: fresh bananas contain high levels of phenolic compounds and high polyphenol oxidase activity. This creates an enzymatic reaction that causes rapid browning of the bananas. Methods to prevent this include steaming or blanching in water, frying in oil, ascorbic acid baths and applying sucrose to the exposed surface. High temperatures during drying can also limit enzymatic browning. 2 At low temperatures, sucrose can help maintain quality. 7

Another way to prevent browning is to 'sulphurize' the bananas. Sulfur dioxide is a good color-preserving agent because it slows down both enzymatic and non-enzymatic browning reactions. However, its extensive use in food is questioned due to potential health problems. 9

Hot air drying

Perforated trays or racks are used in batch dryers or continuous screen belts that run through a tunnel. The moisture vapor is removed from the tunnel. Drying temperatures are above 70 °C with high air circulation. The drying time depends on the loading rate and the vapor pressure deficit. 2

Spray drying

A liquid product is turned into a finely structured powder. A special spray nozzle atomizes the banana liquid in a large, preheated chamber. Enzymes are used to improve liquefaction and viscosity. 2

Drum drying

In this process, the banana puree is placed in a drum. As the drum rotates, heat is added to the product to evaporate the moisture. The end product is banana powder. 2


This uses the principle of sublimation. Frozen water turns directly into steam without changing to the liquid phase. This technique can be supplemented by infrared or microwave heating. 2

Microwave drying

Microwave energy can be the primary heat source for dewatering or, more effectively, supplement conventional drying systems. 2


This method dries bananas using infrared rays. Infrared dehydration has the advantage of being a gentle and efficient method. The infrared radiation heats the fruit from the inside, causing the moisture to evaporate without damaging the external texture or color of the bananas. This enables even dehydration. This method helps to preserve the natural flavor and nutrients of the bananas. 2

Another advantage of infrared dehydration is the time savings compared to other dehydration methods. 2

Osmotic dehydration

In osmotic dehydration, the water is removed from the fruit by osmosis. The fruit is immersed in a concentrated solution containing salt or sugar. The high concentration in the solution creates a hypertonic environment. This causes the banana slices to lose moisture.

The osmotic solution penetrates the banana slices. In doing so, it extracts moisture from the fruit, as well as other soluble components. At the same time, the banana absorbs sugar or salt components from the solution, which improves the taste. After a certain exposure time, the banana slices reach an equilibrium point at which the loss of moisture is compensated by the absorption of the osmotic solution. The excess solution is washed off. In the final step, the slices are dried again using hot air, freeze drying or sun drying. 2

The osmotic dehydration process helps preserve the taste, color and nutritional properties of the bananas and enhances the flavor profile. 5
Osmotic dehydration using low temperatures and high sucrose concentrations reduces the impact on the quality of the final product. High sucrose concentrations can prevent damage to the surface cells of the fruit. The sucrose forms a barrier that hinders the transfer of solvents from the product to the solution. This is the conclusion reached by researchers in a study on the quality characteristics of shape and color. 2

Alternative names

Dried bananas, dried bananas, banana chips, dried fruit bananas, air dried bananas, banana flour, banana powder concentrate

Other applications

The fruit powder (banana) is suitable as an ingredient in baby food. 26 Banana powder also has great potential for use as a gluten-free alternative to wheat flour. 16

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